Author . Surgeon . Father
Inspired by one of the greatest works of art ever, John Lennon and Yoko Ono's revolutionary song Imagine, this novel takes you on a journey across the world with the harmonies of the music in mind. Imagery and dreams are intricately woven in a number of love stories that intertwine and roll back on each other like the chorus and verses of a song. A perfect read for a beach holiday or in front of a warm fire, Imagine's deeper meanings are inlaid with dreams of the future. Richard's hope is that the books purity of message, which is all about love, will enchant and inspire, leaving the reader with a rekindled appreciation for life. There is of course a villain or two; a bit of drama here or there as it is not a perfect world, but as you dance from one page to another, the words will take you along a journey full of evolution, revolution, peace and generosity
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What Does Richard Harris Want...?
...To Change the World for the Better.

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Richard A Harris, is a dreamer with many talents.
He is best known as one of Australia’s top Vascular Surgeons and for spearheading the rebuild of a major metropolitan public hospital. Richard believes in equal access to the best possible healthcare, quality care delivered not only in Australia but around the world.
Apart from surgery, Richard has been a musician, a backpacker, a poet, and a painter.
It has been a hard couple of years for many people. Richard lost his wonderful partner and mother of his two gorgeous children in early 2020 to breast cancer.
Richard has found comfort in one of his other passions - writing.
He is a writer who fell in love with words a long time ago. He has always had a yearning to set some dreams, adventures, and love down on paper. His first book Imagine: A Novel does just that. Richard’s dreams for what a truly compassionate world could look like are woven into a beautiful love story and journey around the world which has been inspired by Lennon’s iconic song Imagine.
Richard lives in Sydney Australia and is extremely grateful for all of the love that surrounds him. Like Lennon, he is a dreamer but he’s not the only one. He hopes you will join him envisioning a world of connection, love, and peace.